Why Facebook? By The Numbers
Who Should Use It: Businesses of any industry or size.
What To Share: All types of online content, events, ads, etc.
Post Frequency: At least once or twice a day.
Facebook Is Right For You… if you are building a community presence or want to reach as broad a network as possible.
Facebook is currently the undeniable king of social media. With over 1.5 BILLION monthly users worldwide this trend is set continue for many more years. Facebook has very powerful demographic targeting systems that can help all businesses implement a streamlined plan for customer interaction for any group, worldwide. However, it’s important that business owners recognize that Feacebook isnt a catch all to social media and is best used in conjunction with other social media sites.
Demographics: Courtesy of Pew Research Center
“71% of online adults use Facebook, a proportion unchanged from August 2013. Usage among seniors continues to increase. Some 56% of internet users ages 65 and older now use Facebook, up from 45% who did so in late 2013 and 35% who did so in late 2012. Women are also particularly likely to use Facebook compared with men, a trend that continues from prior years.”
Facebook users also have a wide variety of friends on the network:
93% of Facebook users say they are Facebook friends with family members other than parents or children
91% say they are Facebook friends with current friends
87% say they are connected to friends from the past, such as high school or college classmates
58% say they are connected to work colleagues
45% say they are Facebook friends with their parents
43% say they are friends with their children on Facebook
39% say they are connected to people they have never met in person
36% say they are Facebook friends with their neighbors
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