10 Tips On How To Secure Your WordPress Website A notion in web design and SEO that gets overlooked more times than I care to contemplate, is the security of your WordPress website. I ask people all the time around our office here in Durham, NC how they secure their...
3 Pro-Tips To Design A Home Page For The Modern WebPro-Tip Thursday, Web Design, Web Development, Websites The internet has changed dramatically over the past decade, some of you will remember the early 2000s where even the largest companies in the world still had...
How To: 5 Tips To Optimize Youtube For Local SEO One of the most popular, and by far largest social platforms on the web today, YouTube is an incredibly effective tool to leverage for local SEO. Using YouTube can add a significant bounce to your SEO outreach if done...
How To Guide: 7 Steps For Optimizing Google+ For Local SEO Last week in our SEO Factoid Friday post we discussed “Which Social Media Site Contributes Most To SEO?” Through some careful evaluation of data and hard work by many SEO’s like ourselves out there it has been...
Pro Tip Thursday #3: Top 4 Chromebook Hotkeys You Didn’t Know You HadHow To, Pro-Tip Thursday, Random Ramblings If you’re like me and use a Chromebook on a daily basis for everything from WordPress development to my fantasy football draft with my college buddies...
Top 3 Ways To Make You a Better Marketer With IFTTT Online marketing for any business today can seem like a daunting task. There are so many options when it comes to avenues to reach consumers or prospective clients that marketing can often take a back seat in small...